Monday, May 2, 2011

The day I ran away from home

White Space. Graphic designers describe white space as the “absence of content”. We live in a world with very little white space. We brand ourselves as “accessible” and the fact is that we pack our smart phones EVERYWHERE and are available 24/7. How healthy is that? Where are our boundaries? Where is our personal “white space”?

We are scheduled and programmed to the extent that spontaneity is no longer possible. If I were to ask you, “when was the last time you did something crazy and impulsive?” what would be your answer?

Today I ran away from home. I will be back tomorrow, but for today I am a runaway. I chose to drive 5 hours to a meeting instead of flying. I chose to sit in a car for 5 hours with no cell phone, no computer, and no one else to talk to. I created 5 hours of “white space”.

I set my cruise control for 110 kph, put the “Devil Wears Prada” book on cd in the player and drove. It was heavenly.

Tomorrow I get to drive the 5 hours home. I can’t wait


Jenise Fryatt said...

Oh I SO relate to this, Judy! I just spent the last week in a car with my daughter driving from Toronto to California w/ very little internet activity. It was indeed HEAVENLY.

When I got home I had a talk with my son about something he was trying very hard to create, but just couldn't quite get. During the conversation he realized that he was trying too hard, and not taking joy in what he was doing.

You can't be creative, or accomplish much, if you never have time for reflection or taking joy in the small things. Thanks for this excellent post. :)

The Green-Eyed Event Planner said...

You are so right Jenise. We all need to have time to reflect/relax so that we can recharge.

I am going to putter in my yard this weekend and enjoy my quiet time.