Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Are you Fired Up?

The 2013 GMIC Sustainable Meetings Conference is literally right around the corner and I have to tell you......I am fired up!

I have said it before and I will say it again, the annual GMIC Sustainable Meetings Conference is where I look to to receive my shot of Vitamin Green and this year is no different.

The lineup of speakers is is basically a "who's who" in the sustainable event industry. They even included lil ol' me on that list and for that, I am truly humbled.

Excited much? Yup....you could say that. How many opportunities do we have to spend time with some of the Sustainable Meeting and Event Industry most knowledgeable and connected individuals. Folks like Jaime Nack and Tahira Endean - event professionals who come with a boatload of experience.

I hear we are also going to "Wake the Tiger" with Joe Oliver which isn't as scary as it sounds unless of course...someone brings a real tiger #notlikely

This is big!

This is massive!

Maybe I should sit down before I hurt myself.

My point is (when I am really excited, it takes me awhile to make it) I sense great things are going to happen at the 2013 GMIC Sustainable Meeting Conference - Look out Chicago! We are going to Create Sparks!



Anonymous said...

Sorry I'll be missing the GMIC conference this year. Have fun!

The Green-Eyed Event Planner said...

We are sorry to be missing you Doreen :(
